
in Welsh is:
2 lle2 conjunction
Phrases (16)
consider where you'll end up before you start
criticism comes easily where there's no love lost
don't look for where you fell but where you slipped
fools rush in where angels fear to tread
I now step where I used to scamper
in order to find the way you need to know where you are going
poetry is sweet to the ear from where it travels to the heart
there is no craft where there is no skill
wheat doesn't grow where there's a gap in the hedge
where be wild strawberries there be snakes
where I am strong lies my weakness and where I am weak is my strength
where now the snows of yesteryear
where once I played of yore, there are those I know no more
where there’s a will there’s a way
where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also

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