
in Welsh is:
2 amser2 conjunction, pan1 conjunction, pryd3 conjunction
3 pa pronoun
Phrases (15)
disputes arise when life is easy
Don't expect an answer when considering a problem. Understanding the nature of the problem will provide the answer, because the answer is part of the problem
easy to come to terms when there' s affection
if you can't do it when you can you won't do it when you want to
remember, when you climb a tree you have to descend the same way
seize the opportunity when it arises
straighten a tree when it's a sapling
take your time when replying to a question
the day will come when the humble shall be raised and great shall be no more
there are times when you have to be silent in order to be heard
when full of pride there's no room for wisdom
When I discard what I am I become what I could be
when woe takes a rest don't disturb it
you need to be spotless when drawing attention to yourself
your day starts when you get up

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