Phrases (42)
a fish out of water
a little wisdom is like water in a glass, clear, pure and transparent; great wisdom is like the sea dark, hidden and unfathomable
a working mill must have water
come hell or high water
drawer of water
drinks only water
hard water
hold water
hold your water
hot water
like a ship out of water
like water
like water off a duck’s back
love will out come hell or high water
make one’s mouth water
mineral water
only a fool uses both feet to test the water's depth
pass water
salt water
stagnant water
swallow water like an ox, sip wine like a king
the more clamorous the water the fewer the fish
three good servants but poor masters, fire, wind and water
to throw cold water on an idea or action
to tread water
water beetle
water closet
water content
water cycle
water ditch
water diviner
water meadow
water table
water wheel
white water lily

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